Happy Holidays! The Crackpots Crew are on leave from 4pm 20/12/24 returning 8am 6/1/25.

Crackpots Rural

Kit Form Netted Orchard Structure

Would you like your own bird control structure to keep birds away from your vineyard, orchard or garden, but are put off by the cost of paying someone to put it up for you? Why not do it yourself and save on the labour costs?  Our EZBuild Structure might be just the solution you’ve been looking for.

And building one is easier than you think. We’ve come up with three standard sized netted orchard structure kits that come with everything you need to build yourself a professional orchard structure that will protect your crop from the birds, and last for many years.  All you need to do is source the poles, and put the structure up.  We’ll supply you with all of the components, plans & instructions, and even a video to watch so  that you can confidently build your own anti-bird netting structure.

EZBUILD Orchard Structure Kits

Along with helping you plan your DIY anti-bird structure, Crackpots will supply you with everything. you need to build it – bird netting joined and ready to hang, all the hardware and cabling, plus we’ll supply you with layout diagrams and detailed instructions. 
Remember you’ll need to supply your own poles.  We recommend using 100mm diameter CCA pine poles, about 4.5m in length.  These can usually be sourced from your local rural supply stores.

Our kits are available in three standard sizes – small, medium & large.

If you need a different size to our EZBuild kits we can help. The kits have been designed around the most common sizes we supply, so for most people they will do the job perfectly.  But if you need a particular size, just call us and we can prepare a custom quote for you.

Crackpots Marine Rural Supplies 8

Small – Kit Form Orchard Structure

Measuring 22m long by 12m wide, and 3.5m high.  This structure will protect two – three rows of trees depending on their size and how much space you leave between each row, and the netting.  Here’s two possibilities:

Small – Kit Form Orchard Structure

Measuring 22m long by 12m wide, and 3.5m high.  This structure will protect two – three rows of trees depending on their size and how much space you leave between each row, and the netting.  Here’s two possibilities:

Medium EZBuild. Kit

Measuring 30m long by 18m wide, and 3.5m high.  This structure will protect three rows of trees, or up to 18 trees 3m in diameter easily, with space for mowing and moving small machinery between the trees. Medium Kits require 12 poles to build.

Large Sized orchard Structure

Measuring 40m long by 22m wide, and 3.5m high.  This structure will protect four rows of trees easily, with space for mowing and moving small machinery between the trees. To build a Large EZBuild Structure you’ll need to source 15 poles.

Ready to Measure Up? Fill in the form below and we’ll send you through the pole layout and plans for our standard EZbuild Kits.


“We've had quite a bit of interest in (our new structure) down here, especially when I had 40 people here last week from local garden club! I was very proud to put your name forward and how helpful you had been. I actually contacted 3 local businesses to do it. They insisted they were keen to do the job but never got back to me even after several phone calls which is why we decided we could do it. I cooked a lot of food. We had a lot of fun AND HARD WORK but we still have our friends so it’s now a talking point. Thanks again for all your support.”

Pat & Keith Stieg